Election Season: The Urgency of Informed Choices and Health Awareness

Election Season

It’s that time of the year, and I don’t mean Christmas, when people who once got along, enjoyed one another’s company, grew up together, traveled together, and more, are now at each other’s throats.

It is now election season, and we have 2 months to go. Now, more than ever, I encourage you to get informed.

That means turning off mainstream media on both sides, and getting out of the echo chamber. It means following independent journalists, who aren’t funded by either side, but rather by us, the people.

Right now, our country has the highest chronic disease rate on Earth. We currently spend more on health care than any country on Earth, twice what they pay in Europe.

But yet, we still have the worst health outcomes of any nation in the world. I mean, have you seen the numbers for hospital births? Is it any wonder I opted for a home birth?

Overall, we are literally 79th in health outcomes. 79. That’s behind Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mongolia, and other countries.

Chronic Disease Rates in Our Country

But let’s keep going, in case you aren’t aware of these numbers and statistics, or feel free to send this podcast to a friend who currently has their head in the sand.

Young adult cancers are up 79%. I have seen this devastation firsthand. My cousin was diagnosed with incurable cancer at 40 years old. My husband’s coworker, diagnosed with life threatening leukemia at 30 years old.

And I’m sure you have similar stories in your life. 1 in 4 women are on antidepressant medication. As women, we have little to no support, coming from the standard care.

When it comes to balancing our hormones, you know, taking care of us in pre and postnatal care, they send you on your merry way, or they make it a one size fits all.

There’s no support in maternity leave. In fact, you’re expected to come back before you or your baby is ready.

And quite frankly, so many of us are struggling financially that that that’s a given. As much as we’d love to stay at home more than the 12 weeks, we can’t afford to do so.

High rates of mental health diagnoses among teens

40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis.

Now, sidebar, think about this. We currently have someone who is in the running for a second in command of our great nation, who in his state put tampons in boys’ bathrooms.

And we wonder why we have a mental health crisis?

15% of high schoolers are on Adderall.

500,000 children are on SS RRIs, which is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, AKA antidepressants.

Let’s put this in perspective. My parents are in their seventies. 50 years ago, when they were around my age, the chronic rate of disease in adults was 1%. It is now 66%.

74% of adults are obese or overweight. And this is the one that kills me, because I am so adamant about protecting our children.

50% of children are obese or overweight. When you hear numbers like that, don’t you think, why?

How do numbers skyrocket in a matter of 50 years? Let me give you a rundown.

  1. Ultra processed foods.
  2. Toxic chemicals in our food.

I mean, think about it. We’re at the point where we have lab meat and chicken. We’re growing it in a lab, instead of utilizing the animals that God created. I mean, seriously?

Environmental and Food Concerns

We have chemicals in our medicine, in our environment, the water, the land, the sky. I can promise you that 50 years ago when my parents looked up at the sky, the clouds were white and fluffy. There weren’t straight white lines, a k a chemtrails.

But when it comes to these processed foods, this is why I tell you to get out of your echo chamber. If you were to listen to Time Magazine, which I pray you don’t, break away from the machine, they’ll tell you now that ultra processed foods really aren’t that bad.

They went from publishing an article on January 9th in 2023 entitled, why ultra processed foods are so bad for you, to now, on August 28, 2024, writing articles entitled, why one dietitian is speaking up for ultra processed foods.

The complete opposite. They don’t even try to hide the flip flopping at this point. They literally think you’re an idiot and you won’t notice. And the fact of the matter is the system wants us sick.

Sick people equate to profits. And you know who their number one target is? Our children. As a parent, if we do not fight for our children, then who the heck will?

I can promise you it won’t be our government who has their hands in all of the three letter agencies. Big pharma, big ag, the corruption is deep.

Our children deserve better

I pray that the unity that we are seeing from Republicans, Independents, and former Democrats brings about these changes.

I wholeheartedly support the message of making America healthy again. It’s what my whole platform has been based upon for over a decade. And the fact of the matter is, the right and the center, they’re the ones that are willing to have a dialogue and put their biases aside.

I’ve been viciously attacked by the left for the last 8 years. And the reason why I say the left is because for every Reddit thread made about me, the witch hunt at my previous employer for not aligning with the quote, science, losing friends, who once stayed in my home, attended my family parties, called on me when they needed me, and then turned on me.

The people who have called me a racist, they all come from one circle, and that’s the left. I’ve literally seen firsthand who is tolerant and who is not.

And if you’re new here, I’ve always been more of a policy over personality kind of gal.

I compare it to when I had thyroid surgery. So my surgeon did not have great bedside manner, but he was one of the best at what he did. He knew what and how much to remove, plus my scar is almost nonexistent compared to most who get thyroid surgery, and quite frankly, end up looking like Frankenstein.

We need people from all parties to do their due diligence in order to bring forth constructive change. And in order to do this, at the end of the day, I encourage you, because the change starts with us, to do 2 things.

1st and foremost, we have to protect our children’s future.

And how are you going to decide who’s going to be the one who helps you do that?

You need to come upon your decision based upon being challenged. Be open to conversation with people.

Oftentimes, those types of conversations, those are gonna be the ones that encourage you to do more of your own research. I want you to look at who is being censored and ask yourself why.

Also think about why they don’t want that information in front of you.

Don’t believe the hype that, oh, it’s just not true. You have to dig deeper. You have to connect the dots. God gave you intuition for a reason.

Do not just blindly trust the system.

I encourage you to distance yourself from the identity politics, because they were designed explicitly to divide us. Together, we are stronger. It is always us versus the system.

I encourage you to speak up. You know what is right. You know your values, and stand strong in them. Show your children what that looks like.

And remember, the system wants you sick.

The system wants you poor.

The system wants you silenced, not free.

The system wants you to rely on them.

I encourage you, my friend. Stand with me, and let’s break the system.

Thank you for tuning in. As always, I appreciate it. If you wanna continue this conversation with me, you can find me on Instagram.

I believe in open conversation. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind. I’m just encouraging you to have informed consent and really dig deeper on the information so you can have everything you need when you go in in November to place your vote.

If you wanna get more of this type of content, make sure you follow me on Instagram at @macrowley. And if you love this episode, let me know by tagging me on IG or even leaving a podcast review. See you next week.

Your Host

Maren Crowley

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