Holistic vs. Standard – My Pregnancy & Delivery Journey with Both

February 21, 2023

In honor of my daughter’s first birthday, I wanted to share with you my pregnancy & delivery journey with both holistic and standard care.

“Make plans – God laughs” — I had prepped and prepared for all things holistic and then was required to deliver in the hospital.

In this episode, I am able to show you both sides of the coin through my personal journey and how you can still advocate for yourself even when circumstances differ from what you had planned for.

Press play, freedom fighters!

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If you wanna get more of this type of content, make sure you follow me on Instagram at @macrowley. And if you love this episode, let me know by tagging me on IG or even leaving a podcast review. See you next week.

Maren Crowley

Your Host


In each episode we’re seeking truth and getting real – helping you discover your strength and voice to make the best, informed choices on YOUR terms in accordance to HIS will.

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