So I went on this rant on Instagram yesterday. And whenever I do one of my live rants, I always say to myself, okay, this needs a permanent spot on my podcast. Obviously, I save my lives, and you can go back to them on Instagram.
And I definitely am more heated in the moment when I bring it up because it just is on the forefront of my mind. But the reason why I always like to take whatever those thoughts, feelings, opinions are and put them on a podcast episode is because I never know when those social media platforms could disappear. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be a year from now. You just never know.
But I always wanna have, like, a time capsule of whatever I’m feeling, in that moment on my podcast. So what triggered that live, you ask? Well, it’s kind of a culmination of things. I feel like social media is it’s it’s super toxic. It’s it’s brutal.
I feel like we are not really seeing a whole lot of truth and transparency. I feel like there’s a lot of there’s a lot of jealousy on social media, insecurities. It just everything gets amplified. Like, human nature, whatever we feel gets amplified.
And this particular video was of an account that I follow. I really don’t know why I’m following this account still, but I digress. And I didn’t even watch the whole thing because I they lost me in the first, like, eight seconds.
And there’s a woman who was vlogging, so that’s like a like a video blog, vlogging her labor experience.
Now, like I said, I don’t even know if she ended up having the baby at home, but she definitely was vlogging from her home, which I wholly support, you know, laboring as much as you can in your home before going to the hospital.
And the thing that got me was her whole video was about documenting every moment of her labor. So she had audio. She had time stamps of when she was going from, like, pre con you know, labor and contractions to active labor to, you know, going through transition, all the things. Right?
And I just said to myself, like, a- why… I mean, I guess you could say for, like, educational purposes. But more importantly, how how real was that? Because as someone who has had two babies naturally, one in a hospital in a, you know, emergency situation, and then the other at home, setting up my freaking camera or, you know, on my tripod or any of that is the furthest thing from my mind.
Like, I remember with my second daughter kinda like saying to myself, oh, I should definitely be documenting this more because it was, in essence, like, my redemption birth. You know, I I had all these plans for my firstborn and, you know, make plans and God laughs.
And so I was like, okay. Like, let me do things differently. Like, I’m gonna be in my home. I’m gonna wear what I wanna wear, and I should have x y z photos and blah blah blah. Thank god for for my birth photographer because she was here to document those moments.
Because when you are feeling what you feel and you’re connecting with your baby, coming up with content for social media should be the last thing that you should be doing. And it’s for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I believe that you should be connecting with your child in that moment and with God.
And when you get distracted, anyone can tell you that when you get distracted in labor, you’re gonna stall. You’re gonna stall. That baby is not gonna wanna come. You know, it it’s all about relaxing.
Creating a Peaceful Birth Environment
From personal experience with my late baby, I learned the importance of releasing expectations and timelines, focusing instead on connecting with my baby and creating a safe, welcoming environment. The key to a successful birth is minimizing distractions and surrounding yourself only with trusted support people. During labor, delivery, and postpartum – a mother’s most vulnerable time – it’s crucial to maintain a calm, controlled atmosphere with carefully chosen companions. In my home birth, I was supported by my husband, mom, midwife, doula, and birth photographer – all people I deeply trusted and who had been with me through my journey.
So let me circle back to why I went on this rant. So you have this woman who maybe she is just trying to document it for herself.
Maybe she is trying to educate moms, whatever. I always believe that everything that people post, they don’t just put it up for the sake of putting it up. People put any kind of content up on social media because they want something. They want likes. They want comments. They want to show off whatever it is, achievement, their kids, their their vacation.
If they are able to monetize, people are specifically putting things up to increase their engagement, to have brand opportunity. Like, there’s a reason for it.
Because at the end of the day, if it’s just a moment or memory for you or, you know, your closest loved ones, you don’t need to post it on social media for strangers to see. Right? That’s something that’s intimate for you and your family.
But when you put out something like that and you’re showing a – what your particular birth experience was, And for someone, and I know this because I experienced this with my first baby, and I refused to let it happen with the second, is you have expectations of what it all should look like, feel like, sound like, all the things. And that’s just not reality.
Birth is a miracle, and it’s by no means an easy task. And where I have a really big issue with a lot of these accounts is they portray it in a way that couple of things. One, this is what it looks like. It’s it’s a breeze.
No. It’s not. And I think that is my biggest takeaway for, any soon to be mom or, you know, if you’re planning on having children in the future. My midwife, I love her. She she’s just like me in this, and then she’s like, no. This is not reality. And she’s not gonna sugarcoat it, like and I’m not either. Childbirth is painful.
It is. There’s no getting around it. K?
Comparing Natural vs. Pitocin-Induced Labor
Childbirth is painful. You feel intense pressure. If you are on any kind of Pitocin like I was with my first baby, you get zero breaks. You know, I’ve been asked before, like, what was worse, your, you know, Pitocin or the, you know, when you didn’t have any new labor and delivered at home. And to be frank, it was the pain was equal. Like, ring of fire, just as bad with both.
You know, I would say the biggest thing that I felt the difference between my Pitocin labor and delivery versus, my non Pitocin home birth was it was a lot faster with Pitocin. It was intense and it was fast and, quite frankly, from the moment my water broke and I really started to feel contractions till when I had my baby, it was a matter of thirty minutes.
Whereas my active labor with my second was, like, four and a half hours, five hours. I felt my first baby move down more and, like, rotate, whereas I didn’t feel that with my second at all. And I don’t know if that’s just because after you have one baby, like, your whole body changes, and so my abdomen maybe wasn’t as tight with my second as it was my first.
I don’t I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know if it was the pitocin just making you feel things differently.
I have no idea. But I definitely remember my firstborn feeling her move down as, transition was happening. I’ll never forget that. And I’ll never forget, like, squeezing Nick’s hand and saying, I don’t know if I can do this anymore.
And as soon as you I have to say, as soon as you feel like you can’t do it anymore, know that you’re almost there. And that’s the great thing about when you have a baby is that pain, that pressure, all that you feel, it immediately disappears as soon as that baby comes out. Like, it’s it’s crazy. Like, it’s just gone.
And so the big difference was obviously the time factor. So I just told you how fast Pitocin childbirth was compared to the natural. Pain equal, but with natural no Pitocin, you got breaks. Like, you got that forty second break. You got that minute break. You got, you know, you had time to prepare for your next contraction, whereas pitocin, it is one wave after another after another.
And that can really wear someone down if you’re not prepared for it. And then speaking of preparation, that’s why I think it’s so important to kinda put your blinders on with these social media accounts because they are not giving you the full picture.
They’re showing you what they wanna show you. They’re showing whether it’s for likes, engagement, to make them look a certain way to people, be the hero, be the one that has the twinkling lights.
And I’ve talked about this in previous episodes where I I mourned my first birth experience because it wasn’t what I wanted or I thought. Like, I wanted to be in the birthing center. I wanted to be, you know, the the dim lights and in the birthing center bed and with my midwife, have the like I said, the white twinkling lights.
And that was the image that I crafted for myself because of what I had seen on social media. Now you could look at it both ways. Like, you don’t know what you don’t know.
Right? So it was great that I had that exposure to want something different than a typical hospital birth. But on the other side of the coin, I ended up in the hospital, and I hadn’t ever prepared for that mentally. And so there were certain things and experiences that were a little traumatic.
And I use that word with a grain of salt because I don’t want to make it worse than it was because at the end of the day, had a healthy little girl. I have my experience to be able to share with you and help you learn from and share with other moms.
But at the end of the day, it’s not what I crafted. It was not part of my birth wants and needs. It just was what it was.
And so when you look at these accounts, just know, like, that’s a great possibility that this could happen this way, but it’s okay if it doesn’t. And it’s okay to unfollow accounts that are creating unrealistic expectations for you.
You could be like me and and have something pop up where you end up in the hospital. You could have I have a friend that, you know, she was preparing for all the things. She knew she was gonna be in the hospital. She just recently had a baby, and she ended up getting an epidural. And I know that wasn’t part of her plan, but she was laboring for extremely long period of time. Water broke early.
You know, things happen. It’s just it’s it’s just childbirth. And to act like everything’s cookie cutter and give moms this false reality is is just wrong, in my opinion.
And I know my friend is probably bummed that that was the route that she had to go, but at the end of the day, she has a healthy little girl and that’s what matters.
Healthy Pregnancy Guide

Breaking Free from Social Media Judgment
And so I just want everyone to kinda start peeling back from social media in a way because it’s not creating a good head space for us.
We start to beat ourselves up that we aren’t, you know, meeting expectations. We’re not we’re not crunchy enough. We’re, you know, we give too much to our kids.
They’re not outdoors enough. Oh, we don’t give them this. You know? Oh, can’t believe you’re giving them that. Like, there’s so many people out there judging you for all of your decisions, and the only person that you should be worried about judging your decisions is your creator, in my opinion.
Like, your family is your family. Your choices are your choices. So that’s what triggered me the other morning. And speaking of choices and the power of social media, this is just a little sidebar too, and it has to go with along with, like, what I’m talking about with parenting.
Make America Healthy
And it’s kind of a hot topic button right now. And as many of you know, I am very much so a huge proponent of the Make America Healthy movement.
When it came to my firstborn, I dove in head first with all the research when it came to vaccines. I was probably the, or I am the antithesis of what you would look at with a typical soon to be mom. I didn’t give a rats, you know what, about a baby shower. I had a virtual one.
I’m very introverted anyway, so that actually worked out for the best. But, you know, my family and my friends are just spread out all over the country, and I just didn’t feel right honestly asking them to all fly into Florida in in season.
And so we did a virtual one. And, like, here’s circling back to that whole idea of social media. Like, to me, it wasn’t important to have everyone gathered in one place. Like, I know that my relationships are what they are, and these people love me.
I didn’t need that validation of a, quote, unquote, baby shower that’s, you know, got all the balloons and the the gifts and the the the games. Right? Like, I I didn’t need all that. Like, that’s not who I am. I’ve I’ve never been like that.
I mean, I had friends that had these, like, major sweet sixteens growing up, and I literally had a couple of friends over for cake. Like, I cared more about, like, the major if my mom was gonna spend money, I didn’t care about it being on a party.
Like, I wanted it to be on, like, a nice gift or a trip or something like that. But, like, seeking that validation, right, online, and you see people with these big, big baby showers and all that on social media and the gender reveals.
And it’s it’s just it’s so much. It’s just so much. So for me, I didn’t care about any of that. All I cared about was like, okay, what are the things that I need to do to prepare myself for having this baby and making sure that this baby is healthy.
And so I dove heavily into vaccines because, quite frankly, those gifts that you get at your baby shower, most of them you’re never gonna use, you’re gonna return, the baby will outgrow the clothes.
Before you even know it, I’m grateful that I had another girl so I can at least use some of these clothes again. None of that matters. Vaccines matter. It is something that you cannot take back. Once it’s done, it is done.
And so for me, that’s where my time was spent. And that’s where I really got to understand and know and learn from Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Like, that’s that was my first exposure to him, really. And I know right now on social media, once again, there are people who are really trying to like I said, they’re trying to get engagement. They’re trying to get you triggered. And we live in a world where by design, because I truly believe that the whole COVID thing was massive social and a science experiment, we are all on edge.
And any little thing can really set us into a tailspin. Like, we are living in this permanent state of fight or flight. And right now, you have what I believe are grifters on social media and shills as as the community would call it. But there are these black pill accounts that are trying to really make you feel like you voted for the wrong person.
Research Over Gifts: Making Informed Healthcare Decisions
While baby shower gifts are temporary, healthcare decisions have lasting impacts. Rather than focusing on material items that may go unused or be quickly outgrown, I dedicated my time to researching important medical decisions, particularly around vaccines. This led me to studying Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s work and perspectives.
The current social media landscape is filled with various voices trying to get engagement through controversial topics. In my view, the COVID-19 situation has left many people in a heightened state of anxiety, making them more susceptible to reactionary content and misleading information.
See, told you so. Told you they’re all the same. And we have a quote, unquote I’m using air quotes. Can’t see me, but air quotes of a measles outbreak, which, by the way, these things happen every year.
It’s just a matter of now you’re hearing about it because that’s what the media wants you to focus on. Just like planes I hate to say this, but, like, planes crash more often than you think. It’s just that it’s getting more attention because of what’s going on with the FAA, DEI. I personally think they’re trying to get us to travel less.
There’s always a big agenda. But right now, everyone’s freaking out about the measles. Now meanwhile, if you went back sixty years ago, it’s no big deal. Right? Like, is it uncomfortable? For sure. You know? No one likes being sick.
But you can ask doctors and they will tell you it’s not life threatening, it’s uncomfortable. And if anything, the flu can be much worse, much much worse. But right now, you have these black pillars who are trying to make you think that Bobby Kennedy is, you know, the exact opposite of what he campaigned himself to be.
And it’s because they’re going on social media and they’re saying, see, he’s pro vaccine. And if you know anything about him, you know that he’s never been anti vaccine. He’s he’s been 100% consent. He wants you to have consent as a parent, and he wants you to have a choice as a parent.
And he also wants whatever vaccines are out there to be vetted and and looked at repeatedly. Like, it’s not just like, oh, we made this one, you know, thirty years ago and it’s all good. No. Like, we’re always evolving.
We’re always learning more. Like, things can be better. Right?
Understanding Media Misrepresentation and Sound Bite Culture
So if you know that about him, you shouldn’t be surprised as so many people apparently are. Like, so you have on this side, the media painted him as anti vaxx, which he is not. Right? And so some people who don’t do their own research think, oh, like, I’m I don’t wanna do vaccines. Like, RFK is on my side. Like and now, oh my gosh. He’s saying, like, he he’s encouraging vaccines, and so now I’m all upset.
I feel like I was hoodwinked. No. You weren’t hoodwinked. You didn’t really do your research on him. You didn’t listen to all of his podcasts. You didn’t read his books. You haven’t known him for a while. You did you listen to him when he was in front of everyone when he was trying to get accepted into the cabinet.
Like, he straight upset it because the all of these, you know, liberals were like, oh, you’re anti vaccine. And he was like, no. I’m not, actually. Like, did you listen to any of that? No. People don’t. People just want these little sound bites that they get on social media. They don’t wanna listen to the full three hour podcast. They don’t wanna watch, you know, Congress live on TV and and and watch all of these things.
They don’t wanna watch the documentaries, the read the books. They don’t want it. We’ve been programmed for this microwavable society that we want all these sound bites. We want all these results ASAP.
And so now the Maha movement who really, in my opinion, was not really truly Maha, like, they’re it’s trendy. Right? It’s trendy to wear a Bobby Kennedy hat. It’s trendy to say Maha because for a lot of people, it’s safer to say make America healthy versus make America great. Because if you say make America great, what does that mean? Oh, that means you’re a Trump supporter.
Oh, that means you’re, you know, a bigot. You’re a racist. You’re a white supremacist.
So that’s what I believe. I don’t I don’t even know if these people really are part of the make America healthy agenda, because they don’t even really know who is the poster boy for it.
Is it for lack of better term, Bobby Kennedy? They don’t know him as a person. And so right now, they’re all freaking out on social that he’s saying that, but they’re not looking at what has actually been done. And I think that’s what is very important.
So you have Bobby saying these things, but what these people aren’t doing is and I can’t believe I’m even saying this because you know me and three letter agencies. But if you go to the CDC website, and this is this was at the February, so just keep that in mind as I’m recording this.
And you go to their website and you review their recent statement about the measles outbreak. Okay? They they are actually okay? This is a direct quote from the website. So they’re talking about how, like, they’re in communication with Texas health authorities, yada yada yada.
Measles outbreaks are occurring globally, particularly in Asia. You know, there’s a likelihood that that you could contract this if you are traveling, you know, and you’re unvaccinated, blah blah blah. Right? Okay.
And and, you know, you’re traveling to Asia. Now they do say vaccination remains the best defense against measles infection.
But like I said, measles is not life threatening. It’s uncomfortable, you’ll be itching, you won’t be able to go to work or school for a few days, But don’t forget, that’s why so many of these vaccines were created out of convenience.
When I was a baby, there was no chicken pox vaccine.
Now there’s a chicken pox vaccine. Why? So that way kids don’t, quote, unquote, miss school and parents don’t miss work and it doesn’t spread throughout the house and, you know, there’s no itching and oatmeal baths and all that.
Like, it’s a convenience thing. But life isn’t about convenience. That’s a whole another thing. What I want you to know is that on the CDC website, they go on to say, measles does not have a specific antiviral treatment. Okay.
So how the hell can you have a vaccine that, quote, unquote, is a defense against the infection? Right? Because viruses are constantly mutating, and that’s part of the problem about vaccines.
Contrasting CDC Guidelines and Media Coverage
Like I said, this isn’t about convenience. This is about the future of your children, your grandchildren. You need to have this information.
You need to have informed consent. So measles does not have a specific antiviral treatment. Supportive care, including vitamin A administration, under the direction of a physician, may be appropriate. That’s what they said. K?
So if you notice, the CDC isn’t pumping, like, get the vaccine. Get the vaccine. Right? The media, that’s a different story. Because don’t forget, the media gets paid by Pfizer, by Moderna, by Big Pharma.
Okay? So I’m talking about the three letter agency. I’m not talking about when you turn on CNN, Fox News, or, you know, any of those stations. Okay? The media, that’s a different entity. Sure. They’re gonna be pumping vaccination, vaccination, vaccination.
But your three letter agency, the one that is supposed to be like your golden standard, what are they doing? They’re giving equal time, equal opportunity to vaccination. They’re straight up telling you that their exact words, measles does not have a specific antiviral treatment. Okay? They’re letting you know that, but then they’re also giving you the information on vitamin A.
Not only do they tell you about vitamin A, when you click the link, okay, they are giving you an updated vitamin A recommendation. They’re literally spelling it out for you. Okay?
Says, under a physician’s supervision, children with severe measles, such as those who are hospitalized, should be managed with vitamin A. Administered immediately, repeated the next day, they give you the IU dosage for if you have an infant, if you have infants, you know, six to eleven months, children 12 age and older.
Like, they’re literally giving you the dosage y’all. The CDC is giving you a natural remedy, vitamin A, and they’re giving you the dosage recommendations and giving you all of these renowned resources, you know, all of these things are showing you how vitamin A has treated measles. Literally. Why is that important? That is important because that would not be happening if it weren’t for Bobby Kennedy.
He is explicitly saying we need to give people options. He and all his people that he’s surrounding himself with, he knows that he needs to make these changes to these three letter agencies.
Now, just because you and probably not you because you’re listening to this podcast, but general America. Right? Just because they choose the easier option, the more popular one, the the comforting one of the vaccine, doesn’t mean that’s the end all be all. Okay?
Just because they’re choosing the one that’s advertised on TV and has a nice little jingle and has all the happy people smiling and hanging out in the park and living their best life, like no. Bobby wants you to have options.
And he’s not only giving you an option, but they’re giving you thorough, in-depth recommendations, and literally handing you the dosage, so you can make a better, more informed choice for your family.
The challenge of systemic change and how to break free from programmed thinking
So instead of people freaking out, maybe they kind of take a step back and be like, would this have happened a year ago without him in office? And all of this comes back to change is hard.
And at the end of the day, if you were to completely uproot, pull lift the veil on what people have been programmed to believe for for not just like four years y’all, this is decades and decades and decades of programming. K?
The system has created this culture where people have had this glaze over their eyes and they haven’t really understood what’s going on. And they haven’t understood the corruption. They’ve they’ve kinda just been programmed to wake up, rinse, repeat, go to work, you know, all the things.
And if you were to completely just reveal every little thing, the nervous system wouldn’t be able to handle it. I’m telling you, they wouldn’t. People would have a meltdown.
We have literally been manipulated by a disinformation system for decades.
And progress, it doesn’t have to be absolutely perfect. But, like, if you can’t see how important this is, yet the CDC is making these recommendations, not just your, you know, crunchy mom on Instagram, you know, rubbing herbs together. Like, no.
Like, this is your three letter agency that is doing this. Then I don’t know how to help you. And I’m very frustrated that people are not looking at it this way, and you have these black pillars who quite frankly don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Instagram, Meta, all of it. Social media in general, the media in general.
Please remember, they are rooted in intelligence agencies that wanted to control us and manipulate us. They wanna track us. They wanna know know what you’re looking at. They they they know what you’re saying in your DMs. K?
The government straight up has patents on these resources of manipulation. K? They know how to program us. And specifically through digital screens. Whether it’s the light that they put in it, right? The blue light.
The fast paceness, the algorithm, you know, pumping you with different things.
And so, I encourage you, like I said earlier in the podcast, to remove yourself from it. Because it’s creating unhealthy expectations for you and your family and your life. It is creating this negative echo chamber of people who really don’t know what the heck they’re talking about, who quite frankly have fallen into their own trap of a psyop and a conspiracy.
Like, they think, you know, the whole world’s out to get us. Like, they can’t they can’t possibly see any positive light that’s happening. And they’re just as much part of the problem. So I say all that to say, manage your time on social media.
Manage who you’re watching and following. Make sure you have informed consent with everything that you are consuming. Just because someone has a large account doesn’t mean that the information that they’re putting out there is factual and doesn’t have an end game. That’s why social media is created.
There’s an end game. And what do we know the end game ultimately is? Profit. So just don’t participate in it. And I think the more we do that, the better we’re gonna be able to regulate our nervous system.
The Dark Side of Social Media: Control, Manipulation, and Mental Health
Social media platforms have complex origins tied to surveillance and data collection, using sophisticated techniques like algorithms, blue light, and rapid content delivery to maintain user engagement. These methods can create:
- Unhealthy expectations for families and individuals
- Echo chambers of misinformation
- Negative thought patterns and conspiracy thinking
To protect your wellbeing, consider these recommendations:
- Limit your time on social media platforms
- Carefully curate who you follow
- Think critically about the content you consume
Remember that social media companies are ultimately profit-driven enterprises. Reducing your participation can help improve your mental health and lead to a more balanced perspective on life.
And I also believe it will allow us to have that veil lifted even more, and and really see what’s going on in the world. Anyway, that was my rant. I appreciate you being here. If you would like to continue this conversation with me, I’m always open to it.
Healthy Pregnancy Guide