Social Media Conduct in the Wake of Trump’s Assassination Attempt

The Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump

It is a very sad week in our country. On Saturday, July 13, 2024, at a presidential rally hosted in Butler, Pennsylvania, our 45th president, Donald J. Trump, was shot in an attempted assassination.

Now, typically, I give an opening monologue for all my podcasts, but today, I’m cutting right to the chase because this message cannot and should not be diluted. Immediately, the Internet was buzzing.

Shock, speculation, prayers, and of course, people trying to capitalize, quite frankly, on the situation for their own personal gain. What do I even mean by that? Well, you know, this is an all encompassing podcast, holistic remedies, mom life, and, of course, business. I’m not here to share my own opinions on what, how, or why the incident happened in this podcast episode.

I would suggest that you follow me on Instagram at macrowley. Although, I admit I will be pretty cryptic and expect you to connect a lot of the dots I lay out for you. If you know you know and are an OG follower, then you already know where and with whom I stand on all of this.

What I’m here to talk about today is how influencers on social media should be carrying themselves when moments like these arise.

Social Media Conduct During A National Crises

And Saturday was very reminiscent of the Black Square Movement, a la 2020. Right? History always repeats itself, my friends. It is our job to learn from it, and I get it. Anytime there is this type of situation, there will be predominantly 2 camps of people.

There are two primary camps of people on social media

Those capitalizing on the situation for personal gain

One of those people, this group. They’re going to make hay while they can, whether it’s increasing their engagement, follower account, etcetera. Then they’re doing that to essentially inflate their bank account by a few days later, making sure once they see that they have this increase and people are watching and paying attention to promote a product that, you know, because essentially they’ve built this mini version of trust over a few posts that gained these people.

And they’re gonna try to push these things on you so that they can make these short term boosts in their income.

Others, may they might not have a product, and it’s just a simple ego trip for them that they have people following them, watching their stories, etcetera. And this is human nature. It doesn’t make it right. It’s just, unfortunately, what people do.

The Doom and Gloomers or Black Pill Accounts

I refer to a lot of these people as doom and gloomers or black pill accounts. They make you feel like the whole world is against you. There’s nothing you can do about unless you purchase whatever product they’re saying is protecting you from it.

This, you know, this special spray, this emf protector, yadayada yada. Right? Ironically enough, they never preach about the one thing that truly can protect you and guide you in life. And that’s Jesus Christ, but I digress. I like to call these people grifters. They’re never positive about anything they post.

They entice people to follow them and fall down their deep, dark rabbit hole. And if you are already following some of these accounts or you encounter them, I encourage you to pray for discernment and protect your peace.

Because it can get dark really, really fast, and it definitely can consume you. It will definitely consume you. And I speak from personal experience.

In the last 24 hours, I’ll be real, I did see my personal account views double in a matter of hours. You know, some were new people. A large part were, of course, my regular homies that just show up day in and day out.

And then there was this surge of people who they’ve been ride or dies for the last 4 years, at least. But they were sending me these DMs like, oh my gosh, I haven’t seen your content on my feed in over a year.

Don’t tell me the algorithm doesn’t manipulate because it definitely does. Okay? And, also, on the other side of the coin, you know, suppression with the metaverse is is very real. I’m living proof, and I’m here to talk about it.

The flood of new followers, I believe they definitely came from the fact that I was commenting on some of my friends who I’ve made over the years, their posts. And now my comment has been pinned and, you know, it’s it’s getting engagement and people are like, oh, another person who talks about this. Let me follow her.

So with all this being said, I’m sure you can see how easily someone who lacks integrity can monetize this moment, either by what they do say or don’t. And to me, the silence tells me all I need to know about a person.

Human Decency and Online Reactions to the Assassination Attempt

The rhetoric I see floating around the Internet from one particular side is well, would you be saying the same if it were the current sitting president? Well, first of all, I’d like to think yes. It’s human decency.

And truly, anyone who wishes death or supports what happened on Saturday, not only is that 100% un American, but it is also inhumane.

It is mind blowing to see these comments that keyboard warriors are willing to spew. It’s always the people that have a cat as their profile pic. Right? Or they never show their face or, you know, lovstalls_1234.

Creeps. This is a very sad time in our society and our nation. I’ve always carried myself, and I mentor my clients in this same way to be more than an influencer. Truly, anyone can doll themselves up and hop on social media to talk about a product that will, quite frankly, line their pockets.

It takes true courage to speak up and share your values. Now do I take it to the next level by regularly being the black sheep? Sure. Of course, I do. K? I, wear that badge of honor proudly.

It’s who I’ve always been as a person.

The Hypocrisy of Silence: Influencers and the Assassination Attempt on a Former President

When an attempted assassination on a former president occurs and influencers make no commentary, instead continuing to promote shakes, skincare lines, or bathing suits, it is very telling of their priorities. This silent group seems more concerned about their public image and bank accounts than addressing significant events.

It’s ironic how quickly influencers share intimate details about their lives—whether it’s about their menstrual cycle, their children, or even their divorces—but remain silent on critical issues like an assassination attempt. This selective engagement reveals a lot about their true concerns.

They’ll share GoFundMe pages, save this dog, save this cat. But God forbid you show concern over another human life. This one in particular, who for 4 years was the leader of the free world.

Or the state of our country that people are so desensitized to moral values that they’re willing to take another person’s life. Like they’re not addressing any of these things, which are critical. It’s just crickets silence. Why? Because they’re too afraid of getting canceled. They’re too afraid of their bottom line being affected.

Ethical obligation to be vocal about significant issues

If you’re one of those influencers who is staying silent, I need you to ask yourself, why are you even on the platform? Are you serving others? Because that is your job. Your job is to the 3 e’s. Right? Educate, empower, and entertain.

You’re supposed to teach people about why they need x y z in their life.

You’re supposed to empower them to feel better, to, you know, have a better mindset, whatever it is you’re empowering them with.

And then of course, entertaining, making them laugh.

So are you serving others or are you just serving yourself? I think we both know the answer. And if you’re a consumer and your favorite influencer has not made a single comment, I highly recommend you reevaluate who you follow and support.

I do not want to hear the bs from these influencers about, well, it’s not my place to talk about it. I’m not knowledgeable enough on x y z. Bull. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that this event was tragic.

To see large accounts stay silent because it doesn’t match their usual, quote, unquote, brand or aesthetic, and they’re too afraid to go against the social media trends simply because of the reaction of their followers or the brands that they represent is sad.

If you’re so worried about that, these are brands that you shouldn’t be aligned with anyway. If they’re gonna drop you like a lead balloon. These are people that you don’t want in your circle because they will turn on you whenever you don’t align with whatever they want you to.

This isn’t about being political.


You do not need to make a total shift in your content. It’s about empathy and being an American citizen, a freaking human being, homie. The purpose of social media is to serve your people. And, yes, of course, whatever your stance may be on any given topic, it’s gonna annoy some people. They’re gonna be unfollows. But to me, I live for that. Like, I love it.


Didn’t want you here anyway. It’s actually my goal to make sure that the people that I’m doing those 3 e’s with are ones that I could hang out with in real life. I know I’m not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea, nor am I trying to be. So I know.

Have you ever noticed that, like, these people when they exit Instagram, right, like, they love to announce their departure. K? They they love to comment, I’m unfollowing now. Wish I had known this, never would have followed. Hitting the unfollow button.

It’s Instagram, homie. It’s not that serious and it certainly is not an airport. There is no need to be notified of your departure. Okay? Thank you. And I encourage you, if you can’t be yourself on social media, then I’m like, why bother?

Seriously, it’s, in my opinion, fraudulent activity. And, yes, you are a pawn to the system. And I do not roll like that. The irony is so many of these women talk about being at home with their babies and time freedom and financial freedom when they’re anything but free.

The financial and time freedom versus true freedom of expression

Here’s the spoiler alert. Ultimately, these influencers, they may be making money right now, but they’ll never truly be in control of their livelihoods and bank accounts. Why? Because they are under someone else’s thumb.

They are not, quote, unquote, able to talk about things. Well, they are, but they just won’t be able to monetize from said company anymore. Right? They can’t be who they were called to be. They are literally just a facade. It’s like a, like a little pod person.

Right? Like, who’s really in there? You can’t be who’s really in there and who God called you to be. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t put my head down on the pillow at night feeling like that.

I know who God called me to be. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode. It was a short but sweet one, and I would love to continue the conversation with you on Instagram. You can always find me at macrowley.

And as always, the show notes can be found on my website under the podcast tab. I will continue to have this conversation more in my stories, so make sure you show up on there.

I Am Your No BS Mentor

And I encourage you, if you’ve been wanting to break out from the crowd to be an influencer who stands up for what they believe in, then I am your no bs mentor. I will teach you about creating content to find your people.

You’ll learn how to build up your social media brand. Yes. Even when you’re talking about things that aren’t deemed popular. Okay? And ultimately, you’ll learn ways to not only monetize your online presence, but how to focus your energy on getting ahead, investing, and living your dream life.

I created a 90 day live group coaching program to help you stop wasting your time and start making income. Not some boring modules you’ll never watch, nor am I asking you to drop money and never hear from me again.

Actual help that is unique to your income goals and your industry from someone who’s been building multiple streams of income for over a decade. Someone who has stayed true to who they are despite everything that’s been thrown at them.

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If you wanna get more of this type of content, make sure you follow me on Instagram at @macrowley. And if you love this episode, let me know by tagging me on IG or even leaving a podcast review. See you next week.

Your Host

Maren Crowley

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