Herbal Face Food Review from Maren Crowley

Does Herbal Face Food Really Work?

My 14-day honest review of this all-natural, plant-derived skin care line.

Your girl has had some skin issues for years; rosacea, Keratosis pilaris, melasma, scarring from picking/irritating skin and more. I have tried a plethora of products over the years to try and help. Which always makes me skeptical when another company comes out with the latest and greatest… However, I’ve recently begun a new line of products and I am blown away and wanted to share more with you here.

I started my own personal journey with Herbal Face Food on July 3, 2023. And I decided to go all in. I got ALL the products and will give you my honest review of what I’m noticing after just 14-days of use.

Maren holding Herbal Face Food  Supplements

What is Herbal Face Food?

I decided to try Herbal Face Food for two main reasons. 1.) When I saw the almost instant results my friends were having, I took notice. And 2.) It aligns with my healthy, clean(ish) lifestyle because it is a skincare line that is 100% plant-based – ZERO TOXINS!

According to their website

Herbal Face Food isn’t a magic potion, it’s simply the best of plant science at work. No fillers, no chemicals, no BS.

Our powerful, potent serum is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that heal your skin at the cellular level from the outside in, and address the top signs of aging in 3 days or less (no kidding).

And they weren’t kidding!

Check out the results I saw in just 5 days using the entire line 1x per day.

Maren's results using Herbal Face Food
Side results of Maren's use of Herbal Face Food for 14 days

The plant-powered skincare includes quality ingredients (not all plants are created equal) that have been proven to reverse aging by improving:

  • Wrinkles
  • Dryness
  • Large Pores
  • Redness
  • Discoloration
  • Firmness
  • Smoothness
  • Radiance
  • Brightness
  • Loss of Skin Tone

It also helps with other skin conditions such as acne, eczema, melasma, psoriasis and rosacea. ✋

And aligning with many of my core values, all their products are:

  • Vegan
  • Cruelty-free
  • Organic
  • Handmade
  • Synthetic Fragrance Free
  • Paraben Free
  • GMO Free
  • Ethically Sourced

There are 4 basic products that they produce, one of them has 3 different levels of potency. I am going to share with you my experience with these products and how I am applying them.

Transparency moment…
I’m not using these products in the way they recommend. They suggest the routine to be completed 2x per day. I am only using 1x per day. So please take that into consideration… which means, they could likely be even better!!! But with toddler life, I’m calling 1x a day a big win.

Herbal Face Food Products

Save 30% with code MAREN

30-Day Bundle

Starter Bundle

Serum I

Serum II

Serum III

The Cure

One Week
Serum, Cure + Cream

Results from using Herbal Face Food - side view

Six weeks
Cure, Serum + Cream

woman facing to the side showing results of herbal face food use over 6 weeks

Herbal Face Food: THE CURE Review

The Cure by Herbal Face Food is meant to be for spot treatment of significant skin issues, such as:

  • Mascne
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Melasma
  • Moles & Skin Tags
  • Warts & Cold Sores
  • Scars
  • Dermatitis
  • Lesions
  • Dark Circles
  • Deep Wrinkles
  • Extreme Sun Damage

Designed for extreme multi-correction, the Cure is the most potent Antioxidant, Anti-Aging skincare product on the market. It contains 50 of the world’s most powerful botanicals including the top 20 rarest, most expensive plant concentrates on the planet.

I began with spot treatment of my rosacea, but with how much it covered my face, I decided to apply over a larger surface and WOW! I apply this and let it dry before applying the serum.

Although there aren’t any synthetic fragrances, The Cure is potent both in ingredients and natural fragrance. It really wasn’t a problem for me BUT I do know that some people are sensitive to fragrance in general so I thought it was worth noting.

The feeling is also fairly intense the first couple of times. There’s a slight sensation of heat but it doesn’t hurt at all. I actually now enjoy the feeling – like a confirmation that it is working!

My melasma mask, due to two decades of hormonal birth control and pregnancy, is starting to break up. It is less noticeable and my rosacea is starting to break up in spots. I have always had red rosy cheeks and there are white patches breaking through to show my natural skin tone.

I’m mind blown because nothing has ever helped this. Also, my skin is dewy and feeling tighter. While I’m not one to often wear makeup I’m feeling more confident stepping out without it now.

Herbal Face Food: THE SERUM Review

The Serum: Radical Youth Concentrate includes 25 of the world’s most powerful botanicals including the top 5 rarest, most expensive plant concentrates on the planet.

There are three serums from Herbal Face Food and each one is stronger than the next. I started off with Serum I and I found that it was perfect for my skin!

This serum targets:

  • Acne
  • Pigmentation
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine Lines
  • Dryness & Oiliness
  • Brightness
  • Firmness
  • Smoothness
  • Skin Tones
  • Large Pores
  • Redness

The Herbal Face Foods serum is very easy to use and I liked the consistency! It does have a slight earthy scent from the all natural plant ingredients. It’s not too strong and I found it quite pleasant.

Because I have such trouble spots on my face I apply The Cure first and put it predominantly on my cheek bones where my skin is the worst. I wait for it to dry and enjoy the slight tingle, which lets me know it’s working.

Kinda reminds me of my preworkout I have every day in the morning, IYKYK! Then I apply the Serum I and make sure I cover my whole face and décolletage. You do have the option to put the Serum on first then the cure depending on what your skin needs are and how much damage you have.

This routine is where I’ve seen noticeable changes in the tightness of my skin. I swear, it used to look like I had a double chin at times and now it’s gone. I will likely bump up to Herbal Face Food Serum 2 with my next order to help break up more of the rosacea.

Six weeks
Cure, Serum + Cream

Results with using Herbal Face Food Serum Cream and Cure for 6 weeks

One Week

Woman showing stretch marks that have faded using Herbal Face Food products

Herbal Face Food THE CREAM Review

The Cream is the last part of my face routine and is the most potent moisturizer ever tested. The Cream contains 102 of the planet’s most powerful Anti-Aging botanicals.

The Cream is the world’s first and only edible, 100%, plant-powered 50+ SPF moisturizer.

I can use a very small amount of this and not only is my skin glowing, but it has completely removed the need for any bronzer. My skin GLOWS and has a natural “kissed-by-the-sun” look – and it really helps to even out my overall skin tone. I LOVE this stuff! The Cream is beautiful and gives you this healthy glow.

That’s two less products I have to apply and purchase, sunscreen and bronzer!


Herbal Face FOOD THE CURE X SOAP Review

The Cure X Soap is the only product I have used beyond my face. I simply use it in the shower as I would any other soap. This little bar of soap is packed with Multi-Correctional, Anti-Aging, Antiviral phytonutrients that heals your skin while cleansing your body of viruses, bacteria, and everyday germs!

One of the most noticeable differences I have seen with the soap is with my Keratosis Pilars and how much more smooth my skin is! The bumps on my arms are nearly gone and I’m starting to see progress on my legs.

These bumps have been such a menace and a point of major self-confidence issues when I wear shorts, skirts or sleeveless shirts – which is basically a staple for this Florida girl. This is the first product I have EVER had success with and I cannot wait to see how it continues to help and heal.

What’s even crazier, sorry for the TMI, is that my sweat and body odor under my arms has decreased. It’s scorching here in South Florida in the summer and the soap’s antibacterial components have helped so much.

Body odor is caused by bacteria so this is just another added bonus of The Cure X Soap. I would honestly say this is my favorite product in the line. Don’t sleep on getting the soap!



As you probably know, my pre-workout routine is my favorite part of the day. I get my favorite BeachBar and Energize going before I hit play on a killer workout. I can’t believe I’m saying this but applying my Herbal Face Foods has actually given me the same amount of excitement.

This is coming from a girl who previously despised taking the time to apply anything to her face. I literally couldn’t have ever been bothered. Now? I’m pumped for it and it’s because I am seeing such radical changes.

I’ve spent so much money on products that don’t work and time wasted on being upset with my skin that this has become such a relief. Everyone’s skin is different and you’ll have your own timeline with results but I hope that hearing my testimony and seeing the results of my friends gives you hope that there will be positive change for you, too.

Herbal Face Food Products

Save 30% with code MAREN

30-Day Bundle

Starter Bundle

Serum I

Serum II

Serum III

The Cure

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Herbal Face Food

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