Understanding Sports Fairness, Informed Consent And Healthcare Pressures With Maren Crowley’s Expert Panel

Okay. As promised, we have now reached the threshold of over 100 episodes. This is 101, if you will. And what I’ve decided to do is break down the next few episodes because we are in the holiday season as kind of like a recap of the best of the best.

And if you ever noticed, if you were to go to my website or even if you listen weekly, there is a theme, if you will. I have these columns, so to speak, that the podcast episodes fall into.

And it’s primarily motherhood and on lifting the veil behind the curtain, if you will. You know, I I like to kinda go against the grain and talk about things that most won’t. And then I am very business centric.

So I decided to break down these episodes into 3 separate categories. And today, you’re gonna hear the best of the best from my favorite lifting of the veil episodes. And the first one that you’re gonna hear now these are gonna just be clips.

I highly recommend, if you haven’t listened to the full episode, that you go back and listen to it. You will get so many nuggets, and these guests that I have had on, and just topics that I’ve talked about, they’re very important to me, and that’s why I was very careful in choosing which ones that I put in these best of the best.

Big Pharma: Seay Stanford and The Hidden Cost of Premium Healthcare

And this first clip is coming from actually a 2 part episode that I did with a dear friend of mine, Shay Stanford. And both of these episodes are in my top three most downloaded.

So if that gives you an idea, if you haven’t listened to them in their entirety, you need to do so, because they are that good. Now just a brief background on who Shay is, she is a dear friend of mine that I connected with through Beachbody.

She is a former Beachbody coach herself. But in this episode, what we’re talking about, we’re very politically aligned. If you know, you know, and we start talking about everything that she learned from her over a decade of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Maren Crowley [00:02:53]:

So she, like me, is a research queen, and she had firsthand experience about what truly goes on behind the curtain at Big Pharma. She lived it, right, like she was in the trenches. And since she saw what was going on, couldn’t stand by it, and and had to remove herself from that industry, she has since then made it her mission to continue to lift the veil and provide parents with knowledge and informed consent.

Quite frankly, what we all deserve because we don’t get it. Right? Every family deserves to have this information to make these informed decisions. So buckle up my friends. This is just a snippet, but it’s gonna hit you right between the eyes and really show you what goes on.

So let’s stay on the path of the the money, right, and and how they the doctors get paid.

Maren Crowley [00:03:58]:

Because I’ve talked about this before, but and and my audience is definitely one where they’re either women who are having children, and seeing the light, right, and saying, hey. I wanna, a, go in this with a fresh slate, or it’s a parent that maybe had 2 or 3 children and now they’re on their 3rd or 4th, and they say, hey.

I realized that I you you don’t know what you don’t know. Right? So I don’t wanna say people, quote, unquote, made mistakes. You don’t know. Right? But now that you have this information, you can do things differently.

And I also have an audience of parent grandparents who their children are going through all this because I feel like with mine, I was born in 86. When I told them that I wasn’t doing injections, the response was, well, you got them and you’re okay.

And I tried to explain well, and I did explain that now children get 4 times as much. And so when I had to choose a pediatrician, my pediatrician does not take insurance because she advocates for your child, your choice, this isn’t my kid.

And so for the the parents or the grandparents, right, who are who are in this season where they’re searching for a pediatrician, can you just explain why pediatricians have these requirements for the schedule? So Like financially, what the what the deal is?

Seay Stanford [00:05:33]:

In a nutshell, there’s incentives to keep children on the childhood vaccine schedule. Now we don’t call them bribes because you can’t, but there’s incentives and there’s also incentives for the pharmacies, which I I can touch on later.

But basically how it would work for a pharmaceutical rep like myself is I would say I would go into a practice of pediatricians and say, you know, we’re gonna pay you x amount of money to do research on these vaccines and just we wanna track your patients and whatever. So they’re given, incentives either from the pharmaceutical company or the government to keep their patients on certain schedules.

So doctor Ryan Coe was having a conversation with him. He’s a pathologist who’s very well spoken out in a lot of what’s going on and he had shared with me one night, after the conference, he has a family member who is a pediatrician and he had shared that he gets paid 40% of his income comes from keeping children on the vaccine schedule.

What? 40 percent of his income comes from keeping kids on the vaccine schedule. About 10 minutes later, a pediatrician and his wife came by the area where we were sitting and he had been pro injection, for this this most recent one that’s such a contra that’s so controversial.

Seay Stanford [00:07:13]:

And he was starting to be starting to wake up and starting to realize he didn’t wanna be a part of the system anymore. And his group of pediatricians were basically ousting him and finding ways to have him be ejected from the practice because he was pulling their overall numbers down, which meant they weren’t going to get research income or grant income or whatever way we would call it to basically bribe so that they would earn the extra income.

And you know a lot of these physicians they spend, you know, I’m not defending physicians but to put, you know, they spend a lot of money on medical school. A lot of them have a ridiculous amount of debt. They get into these doctors offices. They’re paying rent. They’re paying for medical software to run everything. They’re paying their staff.

Seay Stanford [00:08:11]:

They’ve got a wife at home who likes her Louis Vuitton and their kids in private school and going to camp at the best camp and, you know, the lifestyle that they have and it’s easier to just go with the government and the system than to bucket and ultimately the people that suffer are the patients.

Now, you had mentioned that you go to a pediatrician that doesn’t take insurance and the insurance is part of the problem because the insurance can dictate what is will and won’t be paid for. So if you go to a doctor Yes.

That is cash pay, they that means you they have autonomy. They don’t really have to answer to anybody, but you’re gonna pay a premium for that. Oh, I do.

Seay Stanford [00:09:07]:

Back to the type of pediatrician you go to. So what I learned at one of the conferences I went to was a Freedom Healthcare Conference hosted by doctor Littel back in October. And they had a pediatrician on stage and she said, you know, she and her husband were both physicians, are both physicians.

And she says a lot of the problems started when Obamacare went into place and president Obama had put into place that all the doctors had to buy into a $100,000 software system. And ultimately, what that did was it forced individual doctors out of business because they could not afford so she and her husband could not each afford $100,000 software system.

So they closed their practice down and they had to basically be pushed into a group practice. And once you’re in a group practice, now you’ve got to follow it becomes corporate healthcare. And now you’re following someone else’s guidelines and someone else’s protocol.

Seay Stanford [00:10:09]:

And that worked out really, really well in the benefit of health care control because a lot of these individual pediatricians and physicians could not afford to be on their own at that point. They were basically pushed into a group health care system which took a lot of their prescribing autonomy away.

Maren Crowley [00:10:31]:

And that makes sense because when as far as, like you said, like, being a part of this big group, because when I first sent found out that I was pregnant, my OB, I asked her about the new one. And I said because, you know, they they try to put DTaP and flu and this and yada yada. And she was all for those. Right?

But she within our room, you know, where she’s examining me, she said, I personally don’t think that there’s enough research on it as far as moms and how it is gonna affect the babies. But when push came to shove, and I was getting such pressure from my former employer to get it despite being pregnant, I went to her and I said, can you please write some sort of letter saying this?

And she said, I can’t do that because she represented a, a practice where there’s multiple doctors. And then, b, the big umbrella was Northwell Health, which is all of the hospitals essentially and even in the city. So it’s all of Long Island. Right?

And all of, you know, the borough, like, basically Queens, Brooklyn, like they have this is this massive umbrella.

So she didn’t wanna be wearing the scarlet letter that she didn’t believe it. Like she was okay with me not taking it on the side and having that personal conversation, but she did not want it in writing that, Hey, I’m going against the system, so to speak.

And I think there’s a lot of doctors out there who are afraid of that because they don’t wanna end up, like you said, losing their practice and their livelihood. Mhmm.

Seay Stanford [00:12:16]:

So you brought up another point that I wanted to make today and it’s another story about a physician that I spoke to. I go to a lot of conferences. That’s why you’re so interested in this.

You know, you you hear these people’s real life stories on what’s happening out there and, you know, knock on wood, we’re in Florida. Welcome to Florida. We’re happy to have you, Maren. We were in Florida. You forget what it’s like in the rest of the world, you know, rest of the country.

And so, I don’t know if you all if anybody out there has seen the documentary, Died Suddenly, but this pediatrician was featured in that documentary.

Her name is doctor Renata Moon. And I spoke with doctor Moon extensively at the conference I attended in October. And so what you shared about your physician experience with your pediatrician was very similar with her.

However, she’s from Washington state and her practice yeah. Yes. Her practice would have patients with quotes put patients come in and shop their pediatricians. And so doctor Moon was not comfortable at all endorsing the shot.

Seay Stanford [00:13:38]:

However, so what she would say is very similar to what your pediatrician said. She says, there’s not enough long term data. Let’s just wait and see. Let’s hold off and just wait and see. Well, she got shot and she had her license revoked because she wasn’t pro the shot.

Another issue that’s happening out there is they’re giving in some states is they’re giving children, they’re taking children away from parents if parents don’t consent to transition surgeries. And that was another thing that she had experienced as well is she would not consent. And the parents, she was seeing the parents as well, basically having DCF come in and give the parents issues.

She ended up moving to Florida and when I met her she was transitioning down here and looking for a practice down here in Florida to to prescribe.

But these are very real stories and these are happening. I mean, I’ve told you several stories just to physicians in the past few months that are being gaslit, having doctor Ryan Cole right now is being threatened to have his license taken out of Washington state.

It’s happening everywhere and a lot of these doctors are fearful for their practice, their income, you know, their their livelihoods that they’ve dedicated their years to to to be where they are. So it’s it’s a really broken and corrupt system.

Maren Crowley [00:15:16]:

Okay. How good was that? I’m telling you, you have to go back and listen to that 2 part episode. You’re gonna get so much out of it. And it’s so poignant with the timing of where we are transitioning to into January 2025 and the changes that our country needs to see as far as our medical system goes in big pharma.

So I just think it’s so freaking cool that this is all coming to fruition. Now, Shay talked about in that clip how she attends different conferences around the country.

And so that leads me into our next guest we’re gonna hear from, doctor Jeff Barke. So he was one of the key doctors that changed the narrative during 2020.

White Coat Summit: Dr. Jeff Barke Speaking Out About COVID 19

Maren Crowley [00:16:03]:

And if you recall, that White Coat Summit. So it it got so much flack, but there was these doctors who stood on the steps of the Supreme Court. And they were representing thousands of doctors around the country, and they were speaking out about COVID 19.

And they were offering other treatment methods like hydroxychloroquine and more. And I looked at those doctors, whether it was doctor Barke, doctor Simone Gold, and I listened. And I knew that there was a a reason that God called them to those steps.

And I just started diving in and asking more questions, and that’s really what opened so many more truthers’ eyes to the concerns that we had going on with the mandates and the testing, etcetera. So it’s really cool that I got to interview him.

You know, the fact that he is one of those doctors that is a part of a group that is standing up for Americans who are looking for the best quality health care. And I just want you to take a listen to what he has to say.

Obviously, go back, listen to the full episode. But as you listen, understand why these doctors did what they did. And he, like me, once again, was silenced. And I wanted to be able to give him a platform that he could speak out freely on.

Jeff Barke [00:17:42]:

I think God created us pretty perfectly. I don’t think he made a mistake. And when we hear about Mhmm. Disease so the number one cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and that includes heart attacks and strokes.

I think number 2 is cancer.

Number 3 is like type 2 diabetes and obesity or something.

And then number 4, and the order may be a little bit off. Number 4 is the neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Jeff Barke [00:18:11]:

When we hear about these diseases, though, those aren’t on him, those are on us. We’ve done this to ourselves over the generation. And if you look back a 150 years, heart disease was rare. Type 2 diabetes was unheard of.

We’ve changed the way we eat for a variety of reasons in part because of big agra, big, you know, agriculture and food industries, pharmaceutical industries that that produce cures to all these diseases that our poor food supply creates. We’re drinking polluted water. Our government water, and that’s what we should call it, is polluted. We’re relying on a government agency to tell us how much fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, arsenic is allowed, and I I don’t trust them to do that.

Jeff Barke [00:18:59]:

So I recommend you never ever ever drink the stuff that comes out of your tap. You need to filter it first or buy purified water. We put aluminum under our arms. It’s a neurotoxin. We put fluoride in our mouth. It’s a neurotoxin. We give babies in the hospital hepatitis b, b like boy. And I’ve I posted on this.

Jeff Barke [00:19:20]:

As a matter of fact, just recently, I every Friday, it’s informed consent Friday. So I pull out another vaccine package insert. I’m not anti vaxx. Let’s be clear. I don’t care. If you wanna get a vaccine, that should be your right, but only after informed consent.

So there’s 3 things I like to point out in the package insert.

Number 1, what were the studies that brought the product to market? The FDA requires that to be in the package insert.

In many cases, in particular, the new hepatitis b vaccine, there’s no control group. They take hepa the new hepatitis b, they give it to a group of people, they take the old hepatitis b, that’s the control group, then they compare the 2.

There is no placebo control group in the new hepatitis b vaccine. That’s the case with many, if not all vaccines. So what are the studies? Number 2, what are the ingredients in the product? Just read it. And many times, it’s aluminum.

In the new flu vaccine that came out recently, they put thimerosal. That’s a mercury derived preservative.

Jeff Barke [00:20:19]:

Mercury is a neurotoxin. That is in the multi dose vials. So you should just know that. And then 3rd is, what are the post marketing studies? So the studies that brought the product to market is one thing. And and as I said, often it’s not you’re not looking at a control, a placebo group.

You’re looking at some other control group, but it’s not a placebo. So I wanna know once this product has been released, what are the reports of the side effects and injuries? And in every package insert, there’s post marketing studies. So those are the three things I like to focus on.

That’s informed consent. Now that you know, you decide. Right. That’s what should happen, but it’s not happening.

If you go into Savon, Walgreens, Rite Aid, whatever pharmacy to get a vaccine, they all carry them. Pick your vaccine, the new pneumonia shot, the new shingle shot. I don’t care. What they do is they’ll have an advertisement on the wall, like, for shingles.

There’ll be some person with his gnarly shingles rash. They’ll say, don’t be that guy. Get your shingle shot and it’s free. Sliding.

Give us your give us your Medicare card and it’s free. And people are like, oh, man. I don’t wanna get shingles. Okay. I’ll get a shingle shot. I’m 70 years old. I want a shingle shot. They’ll walk up to the counter. Hi. I’d like to get a shingle shot. Here’s my Medicare card. Great. No problem. There’s no charge. Come on back around the side. Sit down.

Usually a nurse or a pharmacist will come out, which arm do you want? Have a nice day. You know? Cool. Peace out. And that’s the process. There’s no package insert. There’s no discussion about risk, benefits, side effects, and alternatives.

Nothing that shouldn’t be allowed. Listen, I think, you know, if you went into Savon or wherever and bought a pack of cigarettes, I don’t even know what they cost these days.

Jeff Barke [00:22:04]:

$8, $10, whatever.

Maren Crowley [00:22:06]:

You’re in California, so they’re probably like 12.

Jeff Barke [00:22:09]:

Probably. But on every cigarette pack, there’s a warning label.

And appropriately so. This stuff can cause cancer. Caution. Right? I think on every vaccine, there should be a label that says something like buyer beware. The manufacturer of this product is immune from all liability.

If you are injured from this product, that’s on you. Have a nice day. I think some sort of label should be put on all vaccines, at least until we turn we at least until we overturn the prep act.

Jeff Barke [00:22:35]:

That was the act back in the 1980s that gave all vaccine companies immunity from all liability. Why did that happen? Oh, there’s a whole story behind it, but, you know, the CDC is a paramilitary organization.

It was originally created, as a result of the Cold War. We were worried that the Soviet Union was gonna institute biologic warfare on us, anthrax and polio and smallpox and whatever. So this organization was created to try to help protect us and to push, solutions like in the form of vaccines.

That’s why the surgeon general, for example, surgeon general wears a uniform, a military uniform. So it’s sort of like a pseudo military outfit. So they have carte blanche to develop things outside of the FDA’s normal regulatory process of, you know, requiring certain testing and requiring every vaccine to be placebo tested for safety and efficacy.

Jeff Barke [00:23:33]:

So that’s sort of a little bit of the backstory. If you go to Children’s Health Defense, that’s Bobby Kennedy Junior’s organization. You can they have a a robust search function. I was on the board of his company in California for a while.

They have a robust search search function, and you can look up all this stuff. Very factual based. There’s a vaccine you wanna learn about, you can search for it and so forth, and you’ll get the history. So my my goal is listen.

Jeff Barke [00:24:00]:

I may be wrong on some of these things, and that’s okay. But I think I have the right, and I should be given the right to speak my perspective as clearly and accurately as I can. And I’m I’m happy to be corrected when I’m wrong. I’m always learning. I I have no agenda other than the truth.

Maren Crowley [00:24:20]:

So, clearly, I picked out that clip because doctor Barkey, like myself, believes that God created us perfectly. God doesn’t make mistakes. And we need to let him do his thing, and we need to let our bodies do what they were designed to do.

And I just really wanted you to hear that message from him.

Now, the next clip, it it’s so funny how this all is weaving together because I did these episodes over a year ago. And like I mentioned, now we’re entering a territory where we have potentially, as I’m recording this, my fingers crossed, we have Bobby Kennedy as part of the future cabinet.

And each of these people that I interviewed, whether it was Seay, Dr. Barke, or now the next one, Dr. Shannon Kroner, We talk about him, and I’m just so proud of the fact that we held the line and we kept sharing this information. And this is like a dream come true, honestly, for parents who believe in informed consent and and are seeking that for their families.

Maren Crowley [00:25:42]:

So as I’ve talked about on numerous occasions on my podcast, my daughters are not vaccinated. And when I interviewed doctor Shannon Kroner or, actually, when I first, like, discovered her, right, and then asked her to be on the podcast, what drew me to her was she wrote a book, and it’s specifically designed for children.

It’s called, I’m Unvaccinated and That’s Okay. Because I knew this was going to be a question that would come up for my children. Now, luckily for me, like a lot of my friends who I surround myself with, they’re in the same camp and it there’s solidarity. Right?

We lock arms with one another and we’re not necessarily like these freaks anymore, but it definitely still comes up. It actually came up just this past week when I was teaching one of my students. And I didn’t get into the whole thing about it, but I explained to her that my children aren’t vaccinated because she was concerned about Trump choosing Bobby Kennedy.

Maren Crowley [00:26:58]:

She’s like, I think that’s a weird pick. Like, there’s a lot and as you hear, we we talk about this throughout my podcast, specifically in these episodes too that I’m pulling out, but I talk about this frequently.

Like, the media is evil and they lie and they manipulate and, you know, they’re making Bobby seem like he’s this anti vaxxer and he’s not. He’s pro informed consent. And I didn’t get into the whole thing, but I just encouraged her to read the book Dissolving Illusions.

I said, just just read that book because it’ll give you a different perspective.

Informed Consent: Shannon Kroner Talks About Vaccination

So when I interviewed doctor Shannon Kroner, I knew that this was gonna be something that other parents needed too, because the shift is parents are asking questions. So let’s hear from doctor Shannon Kroner.

Maren Crowley [00:27:58]:

So the the book, why don’t you talk about what inspired you to write it, and what what your goal is for parents when they get it in their hands. Whether they have, you know, they’re in the the crux of I’m pregnant for my with my first child or even I I have 1 or 2 children. But now that I have more information, I might wanna do things a little differently.

Shannon Kroner [00:28:27]:

Yeah. So I have my I have my book right here. “I’m Unvaccinated, And That’s Okay”. And it actually it just recently got an award, the mom’s choice award, which I’m really excited about.

Shannon Kroner [00:28:40]:

That was a really big deal for me, especially because of what the message of being unvaccinated, and that’s okay, is about. So, yeah, what inspired me is really you know, this journey that I’ve been on, I’ve met so many families that have vaccine injured children.

I can’t even tell you how many families because it’s 1,000. I’ve met 1,000 of families who followed their doctor’s suggestions and their children, unfortunately, ended up severely injured. I have friends whose children have actually died because of childhood vaccines.

And the choosing to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, choosing what you what any parent does with vaccines. Right? When they have this new little baby, their or their child, the choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate is it is literally one of the most important choices that any parent needs to make for their children ever.

More so, I believe, more so than what kind of diapers you’re gonna use or what car seat you buy or, you know, whatever it may be.

Shannon Kroner [00:30:02]:

When you’re gonna start solid foods. I think that the choice of whether you’re going to vaccinate or not vaccinate or spread them out or do one at a time, it is literally the most important decision that a parent will ever make for their children.

And, you know, when I wrote this book, I had all these families in mind. And what I’ve come to find out, throughout the work that I do and the families that I’ve met is that more often than not, when there is a vaccine injured child, it’s often the first child and or, you know, it’s often the first child.

And then when that child is vaccinated and there’s an injury or something bad happens, the second child, they do something they do it differently. Whether they spread it out or do one at a time or no vaccines. Once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Shannon Kroner [00:31:03]:

And and I can tell you, I know so many families who their first child is severely vaccine injured and their second child has absolutely no vaccines at all. Because it’s the same. All the genetic makeup is the same, so they’re not gonna make that same, you know, decision because they want a different outcome.

And, really, that was the inspiration for my book because the story is about a little boy who is unvaccinated. His older sister is vaccine injured, and his parents decide to make different decisions for him.

And he goes through the story talking about why his parents made those different decisions and how they weighed the information that they got and all the things that were incorporated into making the decision not to vaccinate him.

So whether it was the overwhelming vaccine schedule or the one size fits all vaccine program or how there’s, like, no liability with any vaccine whatsoever, All those things he he talks about or even all the toxic ingredients in vaccines, and and you really see it from a child’s perspective.

Shannon Kroner [00:32:18]:

And when I wrote this book, what I had in mind, what I envisioned is that it’s really meant for parent and child to sit together and and discuss. And, like because some of the words are some of the words and the concepts are, you know, higher education.

And but it’s written really for, like, a 6 year old. And so, you know, I had this vision in mind of that a parent and a child. A parent would read the story to the child or the child would read the story to the parent, and then they would discuss.

And that’s why there’s this really great glossary in the back because most people have no idea what formaldehyde is or most people don’t know what encephalitis is or what the true definition of autism is.

And and so I’ve included this, you know, glossary, and then I included on the last page, it’s my favorite resources. So it’s all my favorite, you know, books and, websites and documentaries.

And I even have, you know, the CDC pink book, which really kind of it lists every single vaccine and the ingredients and everything you need to know about each vaccine.

And, and one of the things that right before we had started this, the conversation was that, you know, I have a friend, a very close family friend who I’ve known my whole life, but I have no idea what her vaccine sat at like, I don’t know what her views on vaccination are.

Maren Crowley [00:33:47]:

Because that’s that’s what we’ve been discovering is that with 2020, all of a sudden people were asking. Like, that’s not something you would randomly ask people. Right? But now people feel like it’s pertinent information that they need to know. It’s like, I don’t ask you what color underwear you’re wearing.

Like, why are you asking me about my medical history? Anyway, continue. Like, you know, like, the fact that, like, we have to even think about those things now.

Shannon Kroner [00:34:10]:

It’s unfortunate. It’s unfortunate that there even needs to be a book like this. But there does need to be a book like this. Yes. Because children today are coerced and they are bullied, and they’re made to feel bad. They’re made especially after COVID, children today are told that, you know, if they’re not vaccinated, they could kill grandma or they can injure their friends at school. You know, and it was happening even before COVID.

Maren Crowley [00:34:42]:

I think it’s important with these clips that I’m pulling out that you understand that it’s not just one person’s perspective. You have Seay who worked in the pharmaceutical industry. You have Dr. Barke who is a medical doctor and has seen it with his own eyes and and made his shift from removing himself from Western medicine and and taking a more holistic approach.

You have Dr. Shannon Kroner who has seen children literally change right before her eyes with their vaccine schedule, you know, and and in her work. So I didn’t want it to just be one person because we need to see that there’s a trend. And these are just 3 episodes. I have so many more. I will definitely put in the show notes.

Maren Crowley [00:35:39]:

I highly recommend you listen to my episode that I did with Bradley Marshall about how he healed his literally, life threatening eczema through holistic modalities. I definitely recommend you listen to my episode with Megan Rose, who is a former nurse, and her experience with all this, and how she’s made the shift for a more holistic lifestyle and no longer vaccinates her children because she had a child with vaccine injuries.

We have to listen to the people.

We have to understand that this is a major, major issue, and I’m very grateful and I’m hopeful that leading into the beginning of 2025 that we can see some changes so that our children can live healthier and better lives.

Now I wanna make a shift from that topic. Right? It’s it’s heavy. Not that this next one that I’m gonna pull out is not heavy, but a lot of what I post, I do it because, yes, people, they they mention things to me in the DMs and they have concerns or, hey, you know, can you talk to this person? Or can you talk about x y z subject?

But truth be told, a lot of my content also comes from me trying to help the people I’m closest with. And that could be obviously my friends, my family. But I want, most importantly, my children to know that I didn’t sit back idly, and I wanted to create a better future for them.

They’re the most important things to me on the face of the planet, and that’s why I chose this next episode. It is, yes, very on brand for me that it is politically on the forefront. It’s a it’s an issue that’s on the forefront. Right?

It has to do with men playing in women’s sports, which within his 1st week of being president, President Biden essentially abolished Title 9, which protected us women. And I pray that in January, that an executive order brings it back, and Trump sets it straight of what it should be, that biological men should not be playing women’s sports.

Discussion on Biological Differences in Sports

Maren Crowley [00:38:23]:

And in this episode, which is entitled A Not So Level Playing Field, I talk about this issue, but, also, it’s very personal to me because my husband and I are both professional athletes in the same exact sport. And I break it down, I talk about the science behind it, the biology, and its facts.

I know it’s an emotional topic and I don’t believe in hate. I need to be clear about that. But I do believe what is right and fair and just. So I encourage you to listen to this episode. It’s it’s very personal to me.

Now when it comes to golf, let’s talk about golf because like I said, there was this other transgender player who spoke out.

Maren Crowley [00:39:18]:

It was a Scottish player, name is Haley Davidson, won a US mini tour in 2021. And the reason why that hit social media so big back in 2021 is she described herself as the world’s 1st openly transgender person to win a professional golf tournament.

And this is a direct quote. Okay?

Davidson said, during the tournament that I won on May 13th, “I wasn’t the longest hitter in the group and it was the same with the last tournament I played in where I was being outdriven by a 3 wood on a few occasions. I hit the ball 270 yards and the longest LPGA player hits at 291. I lost 30 yards of distance from all the years of hormones and the lack of testosterone my body no longer creates. So, basically, what advantage do I have again?”

Okay. Haley, let me tell you what advantage you have because clearly, you, like everyone else who doesn’t want to face the facts, are skewing the data to match your narrative.

Maren Crowley [00:40:23]:

It’s just like during COVID when they would say deaths doubled this week. Well, that sounds a lot scarier, doesn’t it, than saying deaths went from 1 person to 2? I mean, obviously, that’s not you know, that’s someone’s life, but let’s be real. Like, the verbiage sounds a lot scarier, doesn’t it? When you think about the millions of people who got it, and it’s a lot scarier to to do that versus saying, yeah, 99.9% of people survive it.

So when she’s using this data of I hit the ball 270 yards, the longest LPGA player hits at 291. Great, Hailey. But guess what? The longest player may hit it 291 yards, but the average LPGA Tour player only hits it 240. So right away, sis, you’re 30 yards further than the average LPGA player. That’s without your testosterone.

Maren Crowley [00:41:24]:

If you had your testosterone, you’d be 60 yards further than the furthest LPGA player excuse me, average player. Not only that. Let’s talk about the men. So the average PGA Tour player hits at about 300 yards. So let’s let’s just think about that. Why aren’t you competing with the men? Oh, right. Because you’re 30 yards less than the average player on tour. You would be at a disadvantage.

Maren Crowley [00:42:00]:

So you’re 30 yards further than the average female, and you’re 30 yards less than the average male. Hello? So I love how they skew the data to to match their narrative. And the reason why I’m I’m using golf is because let’s just use me and my husband.

I’m 5 4, which if you don’t know, that is an average female height. The average female height, for our population in the US is 5 4. For males, it’s 5 9. My husband happens to be 6 1. Now let’s just talk about bodies because this player loved to bring up testosterone.

Maren Crowley [00:42:46]:

That’s not the end all be all, folks. In case you didn’t know, women also have testosterone too. Okay? I know a lot of people don’t know that or think about that because it’s so you know, we talk about men and low t and blah blah, but women also have testosterone.

But the main difference between male and female’s bodies is their skeletal muscles. Males versus females, they have a different energy metabolism, their fiber type composition is different, they have a higher capacity for anaerobic metabolism, contractile speed, they generate higher maximum power output than females.

And so, in general, women athletes are known to be less strong and less powerful physically, right, to equally trained men. And that is why I’m using me and my husband because we’re both professionals in our field. And women have 60% less muscle strength than men, on average.

Maren Crowley [00:43:52]:

Men generally have more muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat does. Women have more fat on them. Why? Oh, spoiler alert. We have babies. We need it. So what happens is men can actually get leaner faster. I mean, I know I deal with this all the time with clients. We’re like, my husband and I just started a program together and he’s lost 10 lbs, and I’ve lost 5, you know, whatever it is.

Maren Crowley [00:44:18]:

And they get so frustrated. Well, that’s because that’s how you’re biologically made. Men are biologically made because they have bigger muscles to get leaner faster than women. Because why? Men don’t breastfeed. Men aren’t carrying this extra weight.

Like, your body as a female, whether you choose to have children or not, is still made to believe that one day you will, ergo, your body is made differently. And, like I said, when we’re talking about golf, think about other sports. I told you about the height.

Maren Crowley [00:44:57]:

You know, 5 fours, your average women’s height. 5 nines, your average males. This past week, we had the NCAA championship. Guess what, folks? The girls, what did they have? The girls from LSU, they have a smaller basketball than the guys did playing in won for Yukon. The girls play on a smaller court. Why? Because the players are not as tall. Like, we are literally talking about facts here. This is not a feeling situation.

It is straight up facts. And height is important when it comes to golf. So taller golfers, because they have this height and the way that their bodies are and they have these different levers, right, their joints, they are able to torque their body differently than someone who is shorter.

You increase the torque, ergo, you increase the club head speed, faster the club head speed, further, statistically, the ball is going to go. You know, I would teach these 80 year old women who would come to me and say, Maren, I just wanna hit the ball further.

And I’m like, oh, man. I just don’t have a time machine. You know? Because their bodies just wouldn’t turn in a way that they could have when they were 40 years younger.

Strength matters in sports. Distance, specifically in golf, matters. The average course that the PGA Tour players, so that’s the men, the average course that they play is 71,100 yards. The average length of an LPGA golf course, so those are the best of the best women, LPGA, Theirs is 64,100. That’s a 700 yard difference.

You don’t have to know anything about golf to know that that is a very large difference. Why? Because women do not hit the ball as far. There’s a reason why in golf we play from different tees, is to try to create equity within the game.

It is why we assign handicaps to players to try to make sure that if they’re playing in some kind of fun match, that they could maybe perchance, beat their playing competitors. But the fact of the matter is if you’re playing straight up from the same tees and don’t have any strokes assigned to you to to help balance it out, you know, where, again, like these bonus shots, so to speak, the chances of you beating that male are not great.

And I’m talking about at the highest level. Right? I’m talking about in college sports. I’m talking about professionally. I’m not talking about your amateur players. Yes. I can go out and beat men who are amateurs.

Maren Crowley [00:47:59]:

But why is that? That’s because I’ve spent my whole life dedicated to this sport. And that’s what I really want parents to understand is I want you to put yourself in this perspective where you’re a parent who has dedicated your time, your money, your energy into your child and their sport.

Whether it’s travel teams, a private coach, making sure that they have great, you know, nutrition support and fitness support, they’re going to a gym. And now, imagine they get into the school of their dreams because of all the hard work that your whole family has sacrificed.

Because the whole family sacrifices, and they go to college, and then they compete in a tournament or beyond college, say at the professional level, and they get beat by a guy who identifies as a female, was not born as a female, does not have the same body as a female, none of it.

How would that impact you? Do you think it’s right? Do you think it’s fair? How would you feel if your child earned this scholarship, went went and played for a university, and then had to travel and share a room? Like, I’m not even diving into all of the other pieces that come with it.

I really wanna focus on the biology of it all because everyone will trust the science. It’s all science.

Maren Crowley [00:49:38]:

Alright, well, this is just the beginning of the collection, if you will, of my subcategories of my podcast. I appreciate you listening and I encourage you to go back and listen to those episodes, share them with your friends.

And we are going to dive into, in the next two episodes, my favorite motherhood episodes as well as my favorite business episodes to help you start earning more money for your family. Thank you for tuning in as always to the If You Know You Know podcast. I appreciate you.

And I’ll catch you next week. Thanks for listening to the If You Know You Know podcast. I hope this episode resonated with you.

If you wanna get more of this type of content, make sure you follow me on Instagram at @macrowley. And if you love this episode, let me know by tagging me on IG or even leaving a podcast review. See you next week.

Your Host

Maren Crowley

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